Pillar Two:
This strategy aims to treat HIV rapidly to achieve viral suppression. Assessing rapid ART, flexible clinic times, appointment schedules, and utility of surveillance and other data sources informed this pillar. In Shelby County in 2018, 70% of newly diagnosed individuals were linked to care within 1 month and 90% by 1 year. That same year, 62% of persons with diagnosed HIV were virally suppressed. The epidemiologic profile indicates that these rates are below the National HIV/ AIDS strategy goals.
Utilize partnerships with dieticians, naturalists, other alternatives/mental health providers as access points for treatment and care. Create a series of classes and resources (for example—meditation, spiritual guidance, nutrition, yoga) on the benefits of using the holistic approach to help boost the immune system.
Create “Fast Track” Viral Load (VL) blood draw program. PWH will come to their appointments 1-2 days before their adherence appointment. On the day of their appointment, they will receive the results for their viral load. Patients who come to their first appointment will receive a gift card for participation and viral suppression. A running log will be created to show their viral load status and will be used as a motivation log.
Conduct two annual trainings for community health workers and supervisors (focusing on a variety of subjects, including specific populations—e.g., women, seniors, Latinx), using an evidence-based curriculum, open to all Ryan White grantees in Shelby County.
Assign mentors to community health workers.
Train transwomen to be advocates for HIV care/prevention navigation and to act as connectors for younger/new transwomen seeking care resources.
Supply transwomen with “healthcare kits” (hygiene products, HIV tests, contraceptives, lubrication) via trans advocates, clinics, and trans-friendly and accessible organizations.