- Recruit key participants for focus groups.
- Create focus groups to identify general health literacy.
- Offer more inclusive (hetero) PrEP education.
- Offer “Talk to the Pharmacist” training (with Walgreens) about how medications affect patients.
Conduct focus groups with priority groups to understand people’s knowledge and understanding of STIs (e.g., partner notification, medication adherence) using culturally relevant language
Pillar: Prevent
Strategy: Conduct focus groups with priority groups to understand people’s knowledge and understanding of STIs (e.g., partner notification, medication adherence) using culturally relevant language.
Target: African American adolescents, Discordant couples, Latinx adolescents, Older adults, PWH, Transgender
Key Activities:
High Priority and Disruptively Innovative
Key Partners
LCHN frontline staff, FQHCs, Graphic artists, HL community advisory group, HIV Care & Prevention (Ryan White planning body) members, HH constituents, Local health departments, Nontraditional gathering places, OM constituents, PEAS, Inc. Community Advisory Group, Priority population gatekeepers, Social behavior researchers (University of Memphis, School of Public Health), Social media groups, Universities/colleges, Walgreens
Potential Funding Sources
- State and/or local funding
- Public and private funding sources
Estimated Funding Allocation
- 8 focus groups @ 1,000/ea. = $8,000. Costs include meeting space, supplies, materials, incentives. Training
- Coordinator =.FTE ($50,000)
Total: $58,000
(Reported annually, locally monitored more frequently)
- # of Pharmaceutical Trainings
- # of Focus Group implemented
Monitoring Data Source
- STI surveillance data